D&D: Wrath of Silumgar


D&D: Wrath of Silumgar

Dungeons and Dragons: Wrath of Silumgas is an rpg game created for project II.
The game has been created by a team of seven people for four months. Here you can see the partners.
The game is for 1 player which takes the role of four adventurers who have to save the region of Silumgar. To reach it, you will have to overcome several maps full of enemies. Each time you pass one, you are offered several possibilities where to go, so there is more than one way to get to the boss. As you advance the enemies will drop items to improve each adventurer both in armor and with spells.
To make this game different tools were used. These were pugixml, Tiled, and STL,

My contribution:

  • Create maps
  • Create icons in world map.
  • Game narrative
  • Design enemies in maps
  • Balance
  • Snow